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The Renew Podcast with Kristin Andree

Oct 27, 2020

This is definitely an episode you won’t want to miss. We spend a lot of time on the show talking about how to RENEW both your business and your life. But what if your life or business doesn’t follow the norm....or if the life you want isn’t what “they” think you should be doing?

There are tons of opportunities in this world to carve your own path, and to build an incredible career and life, exactly the way you want it. We don't all have to follow the same road. Maybe launching a business is for you....maybe it isn't. Maybe college is for you....maybe it isn't. Maybe you're creative and artsy....maybe not.

Join me and my friend, Matt Steele of Matt Steele Outdoors, as we discuss how to turn your passion into a business and a life you love. Matt is the host of Truck U on Motor Trend Network, host of Dirty Mother Truckers on the Discovery Channel, and owner and host of Trucks Gone Wild - so I figured he would be THE guy to talk about turning your fun into your future, and living life on your own terms.

I’m feeling like we should call this episode “Flip Flops and Stillettos”....or maybe “John Deere and Jimmy Choo” ....what ya think, Matt?